About German Design Award 독일디자인어워드(German Design Award)는 독일연방 경제기술부의 후원으로 1953년에 설립된'The German Design Council'이 매년 주최하고 있는 세계 최고의 권위를 자랑하는 국제 디자인상이다.이 상은 세계적인 디자인 어워드에 입상 경력이 있는 작품들이 경쟁하는 '상중의 상'으로 'The German Design Council'의 추천을 받은 작품만 수상 후보 자격이 주어진다. 본상은 9개의 부문으로 구성되어 있으며 각각 분야별 수상작이 결정된다. 까다로운 참가 자격과 함께 주최 측이 직접 초청한 작품에 한해서만 심사한다는 점에서 국제 디자인 어워드의 '챔피언십 대회'로 불리기도 한다.

01. TIMEFLIK Brand Identity
‘TIMEFLIK’ is a global top-tier smart watchface platform.
In 2022, TIMEFLIK was renewed to strengthen its image as a fashion-tech brand that provides total smartwatch solution services such as watch faces, DIY curating, and strap accessories. The name of TIMEFLIK contains the meaning of ‘Pick & match, make your style’, which allows users to find and create their own style faster and easier.
The brand design focused on digital communication channels that can effectively promote the brand to the digital native generation, and it was developed so that users can clearly recognize the brand by using the brand system consistently. The new system is brought to life across all touch points and has inspired new designs for the website, app, social media and off-line services. It has been developed so that users can recognize the brand by using this consistently. In particular, the logo design has the letter ‘I’ in the form of a diagonal line. It contains the brand concept of quickly selecting the desired design and completing your own style. Alongside the striking black and mint colour combination, the redesigned wordmark is now more prominent. In addition, the visual identity was further strengthened through graphic motif in the shape of watch faces and straps, providing a unique brand experience of TIMEFLIK.