About German Design Award 독일디자인어워드(German Design Award)는 독일연방 경제기술부의 후원으로 1953년에 설립된'The German Design Council'이 매년 주최하고 있는 세계 최고의 권위를 자랑하는 국제 디자인상입니다.
이 상은 세계적인 디자인 어워드에 입상 경력이 있는 작품들이 경쟁하는 '상중의 상'으로 'The German Design Council'의 추천을 받은 작품만 수상 후보 자격이 주어집니다. 본상은 9개의 부문으로 구성되어 있으며 각각 분야별 수상작이 결정됩니다.

01. ‘Korea Engineering Excellence Awards’ Brand Identity
‘Korea Engineering Excellence Awards’ is an award brand representing the Korean engineering industry. This award was created to publicize the social role and value of the engineering industry by discovering Korea's representative engineering projects, and to inspire pride and honor those working in the field. The brand's logo represents the three core values of engineering : creativity, sustainability, and social role, and the design was developed using the motif of Geongongamri (乾:Sky,坤:earth,坎:water, 離:fire), a unique traditional symbol. The brand design was consistently reflected in the award promotion design, award ceremony event design, and presentation product design, successfully establishing a brand visual identity unique to the ‘Korea Engineering Excellence Awards’.

02. ‘Sello Everyone’ Brand Identity
‘sello’ is a used phone sales service that increases the value of the mobile ecosystem. In brand design, two things were considered to express the brand name and value well. First, it was designed by combining the direct word ‘sell’, which refers to selling used phones, and ‘O’, which expresses the meaning of a mobile virtuous cycle. Second, to establish and implement ‘sello’s unique brand identity, the On/Off graphic motif, which means ‘you can easily sell used phones anytime, anywhere,’ was used in various design applications. By using the purple color scheme, we established a service brand image that users can trust, and through this, we were able to build a visual brand identity for only Sello.